Intellectual Output
Intellectual Output 1: Expert in Local Public Transport (LPT Expert): design of the vocational profile and Open Educational Resource
Objective: identify the skills, content of the new vocational profile and OERs
Methodology: an extension of the original Rodrigues methodology consisting in the identification of the skills and competences necessary to a professional profile, but with a differentiation by scenario, in this case being the different partner context.
Analyzing the results the partners will design and develop the learning materials as: Open Educational Resources (OERs) and will design the eLearning Platform user-centric workbased experience
The OERs will be the common basis to design the ideal training path, due to the purpose of:
Collecting the partners’ analysis of the TPL Management framework in their territories and in the European Framework;
Collecting the partners’ analysis of similar professional profile;
Illustrating the methodological process used to detect the skills gap;
Illustrating the methodological process used to link the skill needs to the definition of the new professional profile.
Possible contents of the OERs are:
- regional/spatial Transport system planning
logistic and negotiation
methods for the services design
Intellectual Output 2: ELP: design and development of the e-learning and resource platform
IO2 starts from the results of the previous Intellectual Output, i.e. on the Open Educational Resource and its Guidelines.
The training methodology will enhance In the eLearning Platform:
The contents will be organized in training blocks (module)
Each module will fully explain its topics and will give the possibility to the student to verify their learning with exercises, quizzes and self-assessment tests.
Intellectual Output 3: Tools for Assessment, Validation and Recognition of skills
The output will develop a complete set of tools for trainers to validate the skills acquired through the ELP Transport Training Programme, on the basis of the EU standards European Qualification Framework (EQF), European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET).
The output is innovative as it certifies the acquisition of skills for a new vocational profile at EU level.
This WP is co-led by Consorci de la Ribera and CPU, because of their training and accreditation experience
The methodology will lead to the possibility of a constant updating of the vocational training profile (IO2) and course (IO3).
It is indeed the IO that most of all aims at a long-term impact in terms of changes in the way skills mismatch is handled at present: no longer as a situation to be solved separately by each stakeholder, but in a programmed, continuos and coordinated manner.This WP is led by UPV, with its extensive experience in planning of Skills needs for transport systems, with a contribution from all other partners (including translations) in order to produce a Manual that can be amployed by any system (public, private, public-private, local or national/EU) wishing to keep LPTSs workforce up to the many challenges that fast innovation and changes in users habits require.
This will be useful to establish networks and collaborations and foster the development of new training offers based on shared methodology for the assessment of skills shortages.
Partners will amend the draft report and suggest alternatives. Then each partner will take responsability of a part.